Save the earth starts with everyone
Compared to a solid slab with the same thickness, BUBBLEDECK saves 35% of concrete in the slab and saves 50% with the same bearing effect. This will lead to further reductions through the entire structure.
The production of one ton of cement causes an emission of about 800kg of CO2. One m3 of concrete causes CO2 emissions close to 300kg. This figure does not even include emissions due to quarrying, transport, etc.
Other GHG and natural resources (water, sand, stone) are reduced proportionally.
BUBBLEDECK uses recycled plastic balls, and all materials can be reused upon demolition.
Throughout the structure’s life-time, the envelope and all internal work can be removed, and the original frame simply refitted for a new purpose.
The biaxial nature of BUBBLEDECK allows for any internal layout to be reconfigured.
Every 1kg of recycled plastic balls saves 100kg of concrete.
Saving of up to 40kg CO²/m². A 50,000m² building can save up to 2,000MT of CO².
A 50,000sqm of BUBBLEDECK will save 250 trees.
Lower loading on the entire building. Less Excavation work for basement.
Saving the earth now is saving the future for our children
By reducing the amount of concrete in the middle of a slab, BUBBLEDECK makes a significant contribution to the environmental impact. Guidance from ODPM requires the direct environmental effects of building to be considered, including usage of natural resources and emissions resulting from construction. Not only is concrete usage reduced up to 50% within a building structure but the additional benefits, can be realized through reduced foundation sizes.
Every 5,000 m² of BUBBLEDECK floor slab can save up to:-
1,000 m³ site concrete
166 ready mix lorry trips
1,798 tonnes of foundation loads
416 million Kcal energy used in concrete production and haulage
278 ton of CO² - green house gas emissions.